Plein air painter Jane Bennett |
For 30 years, Jane Bennett has painted Sydney's changing urban landscape, lugging her easel and canvas to big industrial sites from Woolloomooloo to White Bay to record the city's history.
Rain or shine, she paints en plein air, or outdoors, and was expecting to do just that when appointed the inaugural artist in residence for Artfiles, a group involved in a pop-up project being staged by the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority (SHFA).
Although the authority provided her with some space to paint in a former George Street bank, Ms Bennett was working outdoors as usual, finishing a small oil treatment of the Opera House, when two foreshore authority rangers cut short her first full day on the job.
''I was bullied and harassed by the mindless goons operating as SHFA rangers. I was told not to paint in public,'' Bennett fumed on her blog this week.
The rangers were unhappy with a small painting of a spire and another of Punjabi dancers performing in the Rocks that were drying on the back of her easel.
''I was told I had a studio at 47 George Street and I was to get back to my studio and stay inside during the festival,'' she said. ''Obviously, I'm a danger to society and have to be stopped at all costs.
''They'd never seen a plein air artist before and wanted to make sure that they never saw one again. They won't.''
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