Thursday, May 24, 2018
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Saturday, May 19, 2018
A Case Of On The Dole (1933) – Then As Now !
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A Case Of On The Dole (1933)
Come listen to my song, and I won't detain you long;
To explain the present poverty I'll try.
Even if you don't agree, you'll have better sight to see,
If I help to wipe the cobwebs from your eye.
Soon we're coming to the end, when we'll have no cash to spend,
Now the Banks have put the country up the pole.
But don't make a mistake, to their system you'll awake,
With the landlord and the tenants on the dole.
Soon we'll all be on the dole,
Yes, we'll all be on the dole,
Now the Banks have put the country up the pole.
So we can lie in bed all day
Because we'll have no rent to pay
With the landlord and the tenants' on the dole.
Now it's one of Nature's laws to eradicate the cause,
And time alone will then effect a cure,
So we human beings must try, and that remedy apply
To the social ills the people now endure.
The real gist of this song is that our distribution's wrong,
Because, we allow the Banks to hold the sway;
Helped by Plutocratic law, which really is the cause
Of the poverty we're suffering today.
Soon we'll all be on the dole,
Yes, we'll all be on the dole,
If the usurious Banks we can't control,
We have to change the laws
Which we all know are the cause
Why the people, of to-day are on the dole.
With each country's goods o'erflowing
yet each nation now is owing
More interest than it's possible to pay;
Yet those Banking Thieves how cry we'll be wealthy by-and-by
If we only work an extra hour each day.
He'll deserve the nation's thanks who
Takes the power from the Banks:
Then the help of the machines can be enjoyed.
With the hours cut down to four the depression will be o'er
And ne'er again will we have unemployed.
Then we'll all get off the dole.
Yes, we'll all get off the dole,
With the people all united as a whole.
Preach and practice what is right
And put the Profiteers to flight
And ne'er again will we go on the dole.
--"Mulga Mick," Glenorchy.
Like many songs and poems of the Great Depression this example has uncanny resonance today, Profiteers, Userious Banks, Banking Thieves, Plutocratic Law, Governments which caved in to corporate greed in the expectation more funds will come their way at election time -- all leading to increased poverty and leading to demands for an urgent change in direction. The language here is pure IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) a radical organisation whose song and poetry had a remarkable influence in Australia.
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Cannes 2018: Female stars protest on red carpet for equal rights
Dozens of women film stars have held a protest at the Cannes film festival against gender-based discrimination in the industry.
Cate Blanchett, Kristen Stewart and Jane Fonda were among those taking part in the red-carpet demonstration.
The prestigious Cannes festival has come under criticism for failing to showcase more films by women directors.
The protest comes after a period of turmoil in the industry following allegations of sexual harassment.
Cate Blanchett leads the festival's jury this year
The actresses and film-makers linked arms to stroll along the red carpet. Cate Blanchett spoke of the film industry's gender inequalities.
"We are 82 women, representing the number of female directors who have climbed these stairs since the first edition of the Cannes film festival in 1946. In the same period, 1,688 male directors have climbed these very same stairs," the two-time Oscar winner said.
"The prestigious Palme d'Or has been bestowed upon 71 male directors, too numerous to mention by name, but only two female directors," Ms Blanchett remarked.
The women taking part in the protest included all of the festival's female jury members and many women actors, directors and producers.
Wednesday, May 09, 2018
Tuesday, May 08, 2018
McKenzie Wark – "Why Marx now?"
McKenzie Wark considers the question "Why Marx now?" through a close reading of one of the Communist Manifesto's most famous lines.

This text was first presented as talk at the Goethe-Institut New York's Marx Now program.
I’d like to start with a famous line from the Communist Manifesto: “All that is solid melts into air, all that is sacred is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.” There’s a lot going on in this line, and by teasing some of those things out, I hope to offer a way of thinking about the question, "Why Marx now?"
“All that is solid melts into air.” It may actually sound better in English than in German. It conjures up an image of the industrial era, of steam power, smoke stacks. And yet it also speaks the language of chemistry, a science just becoming modern when it was written. And it also suggests that the solidity of tradition is evaporating. A world supposedly of closely connected community is giving way to one of free floating atoms.
“All that is sacred is profaned.” A religious world view extruded out of a now obsolete mode of production find itself over-trod at every step by modes of calculation that have nothing to do with the ancient verities. Tradition is giving way. The forces of production are bursting through the old constraints and showing old obscure habits of thought not to be eternal truth for all time.
“And man is at last forced to face with sober sense his real conditions of life.” Marx is still thinking of our species-being the way he learned it from Feuerbach, as something that has an essence, and that all of the religious world is but an inverted projection of the qualities of that essence. The destruction by capitalism of the basis of those beliefs is their real undoing.
“Conditions of life” is a pregnant phrase here. The conditions of life are social labor, wresting freedom from necessity, socializing nature just as it naturalizes the social, abolishing artificial forms and producing social wealth. Or so it could be. The real critique of the present is not in any argument so much as in the fact that social production does not actually produce social wealth.
“… and his relations with his kind.” The melting into air of the old beliefs under the blowtorch of the development of the forces of production reveals the means by which the production of social wealth by social labor is turned instead into misery and precarity.
“All that is solid melts into air, all that is sacred is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.” Well, it did not quite work out that way. The forward momentum of capital, its inherent dynamism, may have shredded the last relics of the old order, but it did not then stand naked and revealed to “sober sense.” On the contrary, it produced instead its own modes of intoxication.
One thing that is very significant about this text however is that Marx and Engels do not hold capital to account according to even more ancient rites and charters. They are not looking backwards. There may even be many things about this emerging world they admire. They value reason, scientific method, cosmopolitan values, modern communication. How can the potential of these things be realized as general and social attributes of a way of life for all?
What agent could be the bearer of those values? Not capitalists, who proclaim a universality that quickly reveals itself to be partial and one-sided once the question of property is raised. As Marx and Engels say elsewhere in the Manifesto, the real forces for change are those who raise the “property question.” Nor do they see themselves or their kind as agents of change per se. Ideas don’t make and remake the social world; the social world makes and remakes ideas.
An abstract idea requires an abstract agent. Capital has blown apart the local and particular, the provincial and superstitious, and all the petty little emoluments and subventions of small minded aristocratic ruling class. But it has also destroyed the local and particular, the solid and unchanging ways of life of the peasantry. It has thrown them off their land and into the moloch maw of industrial labor. Now with nothing to lose but its chains, labor becomes the potential bearer of an even more abstract form.
I have a small confession to make here: my loyalty is more to the working class than to Marx. I was raised in the labor movement, was taught my Marx at party school. Our Marxism was always a little vulgar. Like Alexander Bogdanov, I take the most enduring feature of Marxism to be this: the point of view of the working class. To me, Marxism has no essential method or dogma or theory other than that.
So when asked: ‘Why Marx now?’ I don’t think the answer lies in a return to a philosophy or method or dogma that was current in the small world of even the more cosmopolitan radical thinkers of the middle of the nineteenth century. “All that is solid melts into air, all that is sacred is profaned,” and surely that includes even the verities of classical Marxism itself.
The Marx of use now is no particular method or dogma or philosophy. The Marx of use now as then is the labor point of view. Or to put it in the robustly vulgar terms in which an old comrade explained it to me: the party sticks to working class like shit to a blanket.
This brings us also to interesting questions as to what and where the working class is now. Marx recognized — thanks to Engel’s psychogeographic work in Manchester — that the industrial working class was displacing the artisan and craft-worker. But it is not the case that this became a universal form for labor. Nor has the global distribution of labor stood still. There are probably more industrial workers in China now than there are people in the whole of the British Isles.
Industrial work is not quite the same given how closely woven into the production process information is these days. Marx wrote the Manifesto with the aid of concepts appropriated from German philosophy. He wrote Capital with intellectual resources that included the latest thermodynamic and metabolic concepts from physics, chemistry, and the life sciences, not to mention the careful ethnographies of industrial technology of Charles Babbage, but no science of information existed in his time. What labor is after the instrumentalizing not just of physics and chemistry but biology and information science seems to me an open question.
Labor now has to be thought of as including not just social production but also social reproduction, including unpaid labor, affective labor, and sex work — a topic in which Marx was still rather moralistic. Maybe not all of labor is strictly speaking human. Other species labor too.
If labor fills standardized labor processes with content, perhaps we need a way of thinking also those whose labor is not to produce standard content but novel forms. So-called innovation and creativity are now commodified in quite novel ways. The enclosure of the information commons is a major front in class struggles of a distinctively twenty-first century type.
But let’s not forget that while the planet may now be made up of a majority of urban-dwellers, many still work the land. The enclosure of the land proceeds in attenuated form. If Marxism is the point of view of the working class, high on its agenda remains questions of alliances with other exploited classes. Not to mention tactics for negotiating with other classes, not least the one most prone to the most small-minded kinds of reaction — the petit bourgeois, sometimes rendered in vulgar but accurate English as the petty bourgeoisie.
Lastly, “all that is solid melts into air” has acquired an unintended connotation. Think of the smoke stacks that image indirectly invokes. Melting into air is vast quantities of carbon. Enough to tank the whole climate system. Marx had no inkling of this in the 1840s. By the time he was working on Capital, however, he was starting to think about what he called metabolic rift. He read the earth science of his day. He understood how commodified agriculture was a maker of deserts, and that this had a geochemical basis.
So that’s where we are, and that’s "why Marx now." The peculiar form of dynamism of the commodity economy treats both labor and nature as disposable things to be consumed in the production of exchange value, and for the extraction of a surplus by a ruling class. We see clearly how this enervates and disorders the working class: with many hideous forms of physical injury, but also with mental confusion, anxiety, and depression. Well, if you think your job is fucking you up, just imagine what it’s doing to the biosphere.
So to rephrase the old clarion call: beings of the biosphere unite. You have nothing to lose but your bonds and bond markets. We have a world to save.
Monday, May 07, 2018
Dr. Qing Li – Forest Bathing as Medicine
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The definitive guide to the therapeutic Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku, or the art and science of how trees can promote health and happiness
Notice how a tree sways in the wind. Run your hands over its bark. Take in its citrusy scent. As a society we suffer from nature deficit disorder, but studies have shown that spending mindful, intentional time around trees–what the Japanese call shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing–can promote health and happiness.
In this beautiful book–featuring more than 100 color photographs from forests around the world, including the forest therapy trails that criss-cross Japan–Dr. Qing Li, the world’s foremost expert in forest medicine, shows how forest bathing can reduce your stress levels and blood pressure, strengthen your immune and cardiovascular systems, boost your energy, mood, creativity, and concentration, and even help you lose weight and live longer.
Once you’ve discovered the healing power of trees, you can lose yourself in the beauty of your surroundings, leave everyday stress behind, and reach a place of greater calm and wellness.
Wednesday, May 02, 2018
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