since our last entry we have had
1) a 5 hour discussion with a railway workers "struggle group" where we gave a lovely gift of ties, diary and shirt from a Sydney city rail driver and were given in return scarf, badges and much else. The group has been goiung for 20 else. The group has been going for 20 years, and they were interested in any contact we could give them to railway workers elsewhere.We also gave them The MUA CD and "Trains of Treasure" and after our long discussion were treated to a great feast in their office in Tokyo. They in turn gave us a video!! Tokyo. They in turn gave us a video!! Then the in turn gave us a video!! Then the singing began with everyone happily joining in the chorus. After "Which Side Are You On?" one of them told us they thought the chorus was "Which Side Do You Want?" ... translation is a strange thing. Lots of photos were taken by all sides sharing cameras so as many as possible could be sure to get a photo with nearly everyone in it. Business cards wre swapped of course.
2) a meeting with a Philippines Support Group who had been working together for 18 years and had also made videos. Again it was agreat opportunity to share views and ideas about the "globalising" world we all find ourselves in. They were particularly interested in the work of APHEDA. More photos and business cards!! (but no singing... well it was in a public cafe)
3) a tour of the old capital and its temples and the Big Budha made of copper some 700 years ago
4) another picket line assignation
and most recently
So far most of out time has been with some wonderful people who seem to be involved in struggle of one kind or another and are particularly tenacious about it! A 23 year long picket is just one example!
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