Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Mark, Join me at this special briefing on the implications of the Omnibus Legislation at 2pm (Eastern time) on Thursday 8 April. You can register here. The Morrison government’s Omnibus Bill was a severe attack on workers’ rights. Drawn directly from the wish list of the big employer groups it would have had a devastating effect on working people – especially the most vulnerable. Once again, the government underestimated union members – and has paid the price. Our campaign managed to stop four out of the five major elements of the bill. This was a testament to our dedicated opposition to these attacks on workers. But the changes that have been made will make sure that casual work will remain insecure, uncertain, and far too prevalent. The government also walked away from any action on wage theft – showing who it really works for. These decisions have major implications for us as a movement. This briefing will unpack the details of what was passed and what this will mean for us. We will also discuss the next steps for us as a movement, and how we can make sure these issues follow the government to the next election. Register for the briefing at this link. I will see you there. In Union, Sally McManus

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