Sunday, September 15, 2019

Issac Newton's Laws 1687

Isaac Newton's three laws of motion describe the motion of massive bodies and how they interact. While Newton's laws may seem obvious to us today, more than three centuries ago they were considered revolutionary.
Newton was one of the most influential scientists of all time. His ideas became the basis for modern physics. He built upon ideas put forth from the works of previous scientists including Galileo and Aristotle and was able to prove some ideas that had only been theories in the past. He studied optics, astronomy and math he invented calculus. (German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz is also credited with developing it independently at about the same time.) 
Newton is perhaps best known for his work in studying gravity and the motion of planets. Urged on by astronomer Edmond Halley after admitting he had lost his proof of elliptical orbits a few years prior, Newton published his laws in 1687

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