Tuesday, September 10, 2019

R.E. Brissenden – Gough & Johnny Were Lovers

Gough and Johnny were lovers, 
Oh, and how they did love - 
Swore to be true to each other, 
Just as true as the stars above.
He was his man,
But he done him wrong.

NowGough he went to the Senate, 

Just for a vote for Supply;
Gough he went to the Senate,
But they 
spat right in his eye.

He was their man,
But they done him wrong.

So Gough, he went and saw Johnny. 

He said, 'John, it's up to you.''
Don't you worry, old mate,' said John, 
'For I'll stick to you like glue.
I am your man,
I'll never do 
you no wrong.'

But he got on the 'phone to Santa
- And I don
't mean Santa Claus -

Yeshe got on the 'phone to Santa,
said: 'What can I do for the cause?

For I'm your man,
I'll never do 
you no wrong.'

Then he got on the blower to Barwick, 

And said: 'Do you think I should?''
Put in the boot,' said Garfield.'
I can always make it look good.
You are our man,
You mustn't do us no wrong.'

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