Monday, October 28, 2019

John W. W. Wrigley– Australian Native Plants

People may have many reasons for growing native plants. They may like to have a garden that is easy to maintain and that attracts birds, they may have an interest in conservation, or they may simply be seeking a challenge to their horticultural skills. 

Whatever the reasons, they will obtain enjoyment, relaxation and satisfaction from Australian Native Plants- Sixth Edition. 

With the industry knowledge provided by both the former Curator and the Visual Resources Manager of the Australian National Botanic Garden, the book provides a wealth of information on literally thousands of native plants, their properties, cultivation and propagation. 

The introductory chapters provide sound practical advice on the collection and propagation of plant material, dealing with pests and diseases, selection of plants, fertilising your plants, plant management and landscaping. This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date book on the market and is indispensable for anyone interested in growing native plants anywhere in Australia, whether they are home gardeners, landscapers or professional horticulturists.

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