Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Marine Art of GEOFF HUNT

Geoff Hunt is known to millions of readers across the world as the artist responsible for the covers of Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey-Maturin novels, and more recently for those of Julian Stockwin's Thomas Kydd books. He is widely acknowledged to be one of the leading marine artists of his generation. 

More than a showcase of the versatility and creativity of his work, this book, written by the artist himself, also reveals its accuracy, through five key case studies that explain the initial inspirations, gathering of source material and often lengthy artistic progression that leads to the creation of a finished painting. The artist has selected over 150 paintings and sketches to illustrate his prolific career, painting techniques and influences, dividing them into sections on Nelson's Navy, The American War of Independence, illustrating the naval writers and the Modern Maritime Scene, which includes recent commissions from the commercial sector and yachting community. 

About the Author

Geoff Hunt is a former President of the Royal Society of Marine Artists. His work is represented in public and private collections worldwide, and Geoff is an expert on the Navy of Nelson and Patrick O'Brian. In 2004 The Marine Art of Geoff Hunt was published to much acclaim, presenting over 100 of the artist's key works from a thirty year career. Geoff's studio is on the site of Nelson's house at Merton Place.

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