Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Michelle Obama Paints Stark Picture for America

In her speech, Michelle Obama also painted a stark picture of what voting might look like in November, as the Trump administration tries to enforce changes to the US Postal Service.

“We’ve got to vote early, in person if we can,” Obama said. “We’ve got to request our mail-in ballots right now, tonight, and send them back immediately and follow-up to make sure they’re received. And then, make sure our friends and families do the same.

“We have got to grab our comfortable shoes, put on our masks, pack a brown bag dinner and maybe breakfast too, because we’ve got to be willing to stand in line all night if we have to.”Democratic officials and voting rights advocates have warned that the Trump administration’s actions could jeopardize voting by mail this November.

However, Obama is the first person to use a national speech to warn Americans about the drastic steps they may need to take to ensure their votes are counted.

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